Can I please be as comfy has Manny is being right now? That would be wonderful.....
Today is Monday which means everybody hates it already but then add in school work? I hate it more. Remember last week how I said I was going to be stressed well I think I am over stressed. This is my first break in 6 hours and I am still figuring out this online schooling stuff. Get to know me posts that are graded, how well do you know the site quizzes that are graded, all kinds of go to this site and sign in with this number and find this and then you can do your work and have it graded ( I have figured one out of 4), and trying to find all my homework and assignments. I am all ready over it and I am still not done for the day.
My girls are amazing and dealing with their mom sitting at the computer yelling at herself and shushing them as I am trying to read 4 chapters that is due tonight already. There is still a breakfast mess in my kitchen and they made their own lunch so double that mess, I still have to clean make supper and bring 2 out of 3 girls to meet their teacher, this is going be to harder than I thought.
Onto something else because I need a school break for now. For Mallory's birthday we got her a painting set with brushes, paints, canvas and more. She loves art and wants to learn to paint and I think she is doing amazing. I love watching her mind come to life here are two that she has done this last week.
Gorgeous right? The top one is hanging in my living room and the bottom is off to her Nana Sheri. I am so proud of this girl.
I hope you all have an amazing week and keep a look of for two new recipes.