So less than a week ago we had to put down our Ralphie. It was a first time for me as a pet owner and our family did not take it well.
He was our cuddle buddy, the one who would find anything to lay on just to get attention especially the kids home work.
It is the little butt head things they did you miss like he was horrible with the little box he would just never wipe his feet so I was sweeping us 3 times a day and now the floor is always clean. He loved bread and chips and always had to lock the cabinets and and place the bread in the fridge and I am still locking the cabinets and placing the bread in the fridge because it is what we do even though we don't have to do it anymore. No more scratching of the wooden door frames, no more sitting at the dinner table waiting for everyone to eat and then trying to sneak food off plates. He was sassy but he was the best boy ever and we miss him every day but I am so glad he isn't sick or is not is pain anymore.
We love you Ralphie